I promised I would give credit where credit is due! Dan took some really nice photos for my blog while he was visiting family in Missouri. Maybe it is time he started his own photo blog! But, then, I would be in competition with him! I think I will just enjoy his generosity and his ever-developing photography skills!
The first barn built on his sister's property. I loved the shape! |
Corn crib, maybe? Not on sister's property! |
I think he did a great job for me! What do you think? Maybe I should let him do the shooting and I will just try to think up clever captions!
Linking to
Barn Charm.
Tell Dan he did a wonderful job!! Our husbands are so supportive of this addiction....I mean, pasttime of ours!
I've even got Marshall looking for barns and fences!
wow, great views. so sweet of Dan. i really enjoy the white barn. the shape is different to me. (:
Maybe you all can just be a dazzling team? Photographing and managing one terrific blog. Seriously, it's very nice to have someone who shares your interests. I think corn crib too and remember these old barns--we had one growing up. Nothing as fancy as the white one with its graceful shape.
He did a wonderful job! I like how his sis's barn is set back into the surrounding foliage.
That corn crib has lots of character!
One day my husband veered off from our normal route to the mall (that is normal when we opt for Rt. 147 vs Interstate 70). I asked him where we were going and he said he wanted to show me this huge barn--one of the biggest he's seen and he was fairly sure it was of Dutch origin. Now isn't that sweet?!
I always have my camera on me, but I wasn't counting on a barn drive. However that was when we were without power, so he thought a nice drive in his air-conditioned truck was a great solution--gotta love that guy!:>)
Dan did a great job with these pics..he has a good eye...good composition on all of them. A combined blog would be fun for you both!
Dan....perfect barn photographer.
Linda...gracious hostess that she is
The Blog...priceless!!!!
love these! that first barn is so neat, but the crib/shelter is fantastic, too!
Oh, I love these...love barns like the top one for that little added head space...don't know what else to call it. But then the last one really appeals to my heart.
The first barn is a classic Linda. I think it's great to have a 'guest' contributor sometimes and Dan has done a fine job. I've had a couple of Aimee's shots and one or two of Pat's, just got to give credit where it's due haha!
He did a very nice job! Love the design of the first barn. The corn crib or whatever it is looks great with those logs!
Dan did a great job. I love the barn on his sister's property. The corn crib is great too.
Great pics he took- I love that corn crib..wonder how old?
The log structure is rather intriguing? I have no experience with corn so don't know what this would do for the corn.
Dan gets a A+ and four stars from me.
Great old barns. Would love to know where they were located. Hillsboro area?
I'm glad he was able to get some great photos for you!
WoW! What a great place, love love love that old log structure! He did great & it wouldn't be a competition if he started his own blog, but you both could work together!
Tell him thanks for shooting & thanks to you for posting & joining =)
He did a nice job!
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