Sunday, December 23, 2012

On the Other Hand...

At the risk of seeming completely crazy, and because I have received so many encouraging comments and suggestions regarding my blog, including some prodding from my husband, I have decided not to totally "retire" from blogging, but just to put things on hold, and post when I feel I have something interesting to contribute.

Thank you to all who made the suggestions, and made me feel that I would be missed. long post today.  Just a heartfelt thank you, and a Very Merry Christmas to all!

See you around...


TexWisGirl said...

good girl! we'll be here whenever you are. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice to read that this morning. We'll be here. Have a great holiday season.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

We will be happy to see you whenever you have time to post!
Merry Christmas!

Lois Evensen said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours from both Kjell and me. :)

Jan n Jer said...

We will be watching for you! Take a breather and rev up your engine when the moment strikes you! It's true..your blog will be waiting patiently for you to return whenever!

Red said...

Hey! hey! Great that you will continue with your super posts.

eileeninmd said...

That is great news, Linda! I'll be here and looking forward to your future post. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

Linda, i must be totally honest with you ... i had a little kid moment ... i truly had to run away from your blog posts & not comment ... i thought i might say something silly. i was truly depressed & really let down by you saying you were walking away from blogging. so i did not comment ... walked away. prayed about it. thought about it. thank you heavens above. thank you GOD ... you answered my prayers & you put a thought into my friend's Linda mind. thank you, you have truly made my Christmas ...

i'm blessed to have met you & i really hope you realize i just couldn't believe you were walking away from blogging forever. GOD IS SO GOOD.

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year in 2013. big hugs. ( :

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Wonderful news! Merry Christmas!

Dianna said...

Wow, Linda....I missed your "swan song" post, but I'm really relieved that you're going to continue blogging!
I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin...
I know you'll enjoy the trip to Ireland, and hope everything goes well with the Thailand trip and your daughter-in-law's surgery.
By the way, does this mean you're going to continue Wordless Wednesday (she asked- hopefully)???
Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Anonymous said...

Super news and it sounds like a plan! That is what I am doing. I think I will get back to it, I am sure. So nice this Christmas Eve to see this Linda.. :) Merry Christmas!!!

momto8 said...

yea!! I like your decision!!!
Merry Christmas!!!

Hootin Anni said...

{{{Linda}}} I have been on a two week hiatus from blogging, and didn't realize you had stopped Wordless.

I hope for you a great 2013 and DO HOPE to see you stop by when you feel up to it...and I will look forward to reading and catching up with you as you find time to post on your blog!!!

CarpeDiem said...

I wish you all success in your endeavors. God bless you.
Anything you have to say is worth saying because you are a person. :)

Carletta said...

Hey Linda!
I was away for Christmas and didn't see your previous post. I can relate to the time spent on blogging and many times I've thought about 'getting out'. My five years have been worth it but I no longer do it daily and that keeps me fresh. I'm glad you'll come back now and then. I so want to experience Ireland with you. :)
For now, take care of yourself and Dan and enjoy your travels. I'll be one of those looking for your upcoming posts whenever they come.
So sorry too to hear about your cousin. Prayers for all of you.
Take Care! {{Hugs}}

gtyyup said...

In your Swan Song post, I think you nailed it, "until it becomes work."

I took a break (unplanned) from June to October in 2012. It felt OK to not have the responsibility to get something in for every meme. It also made me realize that I just can't justify the time it takes to kindly go to every other meme blog and leave them comments. So, I'm not doing the memes anymore because it just isn't right to not properly participate.

But, I love blogging. My family loves to see what we're doing. People love my photos (strange in MHO)...but I now do my blog for ME. Selfish? I've decided not. It's something I enjoy and others can get enjoyment from it too. If I miss a few days or a big deal. When I have something I want to share, I will.

Hope to see you sharing when you can!!

Wishing you and your husband the very best blessings in 2013~

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee....
«Louis» is checking in to see if you've posted anything new. He hopes the new year is off to a good start for you!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well now that's a relief! Here I am late as usual, this 40C weather is totally exhausting me. When I read your Swan Song I realized exactly how hard the last few years have been for your family, but I do think in some small way your blogging must be a bit of a stress reliever, just, as everyone has already said, do it when you feel like it so you don't feel pressured, we do love to hear about and see your travels..Ireland and Thailand you cool is that! Be seeing you, take care.....

Betty Manousos said...

...but we will be here whenever you post.
