The biggest problem I can see with a blue funk is that you can get mighty comfortable there...TOO comfortable! It becomes easier and easier every day to just drift along, accomplishing nothing, doing absolutely nothing productive that isn't necessary for life to continue, and sinking deeper and deeper into that sticky morass of yuk!
I have not even wanted to take out my camera, finding nothing that sparked a flicker of interest. I did the dutiful Christmas photos of the lights, yada, yada, yada, but didn't even take the Christmas photos with the family, leaving that to my niece! Talk about pathetic!
Well, tonight, after a successful trip across the river to see and purchase a gorgeous treadle sewing machine for my mother, I was feeling pretty good about the day. Christmas decorations down and put away; extra Christmas decorations donated to Goodwill; house vacuumed, things back in their places. With the tree down, I even got my side table back, so I can put my cup or glass beside me instead of on a small footstool. (Are you hearing the whine yet?)
Because I try really hard to never leave home without the camera...well, we did have to return to the house to get it today...I had the opportunity to photograph a gorgeous sunset. And, because I did that, I thought about how truly blessed I am, and began to feel just a glimmer of excitement about my photography again. Dan even got off the interstate and pulled into the boat launch area so I could take full advantage of the evenig light. And, as I clicked away, I realized that today I did have something to share with my readers.
The skyline, looking over the Norfolk Naval Base, from the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel |
So, here you have it - I think I am starting to commence to begin to rejoin the world (no, I am not crazy - I realize that is a whole lot of redundancy there...but my Dad used to say that, and I always thought it was a great way to say you were fixin' to do something).
The bridge crossing the river by WIlloughby Spit. |
Lights on the water...what a way to end the day!