Saturday, January 19, 2013

Inspiration - Revisited!

When I first started blogging, in December, 2011,  my 2nd post was about my mother.  Since I had almost no readers at that time, there were lots of people who never got a chance to know about my mom.  I thought I would "recycle" the post here.  She is definitely a lady worth knowing - another year older, and still going strong!

The holiday season always makes me think of family.  Today, the subject of my thoughts is my mother.  She turned 80 this year and is still going strong, managing a volunteer sewing group in Florida.  They make clothing for children, quilts and walker bags for nursing homes, and this year have even made blankets for the local animal shelter.  Over the course of 3 years, her group made over 30,000 diapers out of recycled T-shirts.  These were sent to Guyana to the Amerindian tribe there.  I am always amazed at her energy ( when I was a child I used to wonder if she ever went to sleep!).  Through one of her outreach projects, she developed an email correspondence with a Pastor in India.  The orphanage he oversees "adopted" her as Grandmother, and last year, on her 79th birthday, had a celebration in her honor, complete with banner and a cake!

She is an amazing woman!


eileeninmd said...

Linda, your Mom is a beautiful and an amazing women. It is so nice for her to be involved with the outreach project and the orphanage. They had a wonderful celebration in her honor. Thanks for sharing this post, it is new to me. Have a lovely weekend!

Anonymous said...

The world could use a lot more people like your Mom. You have good reason to be proud of her.

Red said...

Happy birthday to your Mom.
What a lady! Interesting how some people can do so much.

TexWisGirl said...

what a sweetheart! a very giving person. :)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

What a wonderful, giving person your mom is! How fun they had a birthday celebration for her.
Thanks for reposting this.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Your mom sounds like a beautiful soul- and a very kind lady.

Dianna said...

Okay - now I can comment. I remember your Mom well; please give her my best!

Anonymous said...

Linda your Mom sounds like an amazing woman! How proud you must be. When I hear of you heading to see her now I have a face and a strong personality for a vision. Such a sweet celebration for her!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your mom with us. Sending happy birthday wishes! You come from good stock. :)

Jan n Jer said...

Your Mom is beautiful inside and out! May she celebrate many more healthy happy B.days.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a wonderful celebration of life!
Cheers from Cottage Country!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Your mother is a beautiful, caring lady! Sweet post, Linda.

Hootin Anni said...

Amazing!!!! What a lady, and I can read in between the lines that your pride is filled with love and devotion. [and maybe some awe]

Linda, it was really nice to open my blog comments just now and see that you stopped by. I miss our 'chatting' in our blogs. But, I realize that life seems to always get in the way of things.

Hope you're doing well, and enjoying your time away. Oh, and by the way.....what are 'walker bags'?

Connie said...

I so enjoyed reading this. What a marvelous and kind-hearted woman. We could all use more Zeldas in this world. The other thing that I appreciated about reading this was feeling the pride that you have for your Mom. God bless you both.
Have a joy filled day.
Your blogging sister, Connie :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

She certainly is Linda, and a genuine inspiration! How cool to be honoured like this in India.

Carletta said...


Louis la Vache said...

What a fine tribute to your mother - both by you and by the people in India! WOO HOO! :-)