For today's fences, I am taking you to Montpelier, home of James Madison, "Father of the Constitution". It was a wonderful trip and offered so many fences!
Entrance to Montpelier |
Front of the home |
View from the front of the home |
One of my favorite fences on the grounds. |
Entrance to the Walled Garden. |
Back view of the Walled Garden. |
A plethora of fences for your viewing pleasure!
Note added: In attempting to link to Friday's Fences, Google gave me an error message regarding a possible virus and would not let me proceed. I have notified Jan via email, just in case.
Linking to
Friday's Fences.
Oops - wonder what's up with that error message...?? I didn't have any problems. Hope it's nothing serious.
Love your Montpelier fence photos; I've never been there, so thanks for sharing!
Excellent!!!! I would love a tour of this historical landmark!!! Beautiful, Linda...just beautiful.
(i emailed her, too. i didn't get it yesterday afternoon when i commented on her post, but this morning to link in, it was there).
i like that picket fence in front of the house. and the wall!
i've been there ... such a gorgeous place to live. thanks, for sharing. i wondered about the issue as well. i've never seen such a thing. but i have noticed several others have the same issue... wonder what is going on? please let me know if you hear anything? thank you. (:
Nice fences indeed !
Excellent fences Linda and yes quite a variety! Brick(walls)wood...
I like your favorite fence too!
I love that view looking out from the front....imagine that being what you look out at every day.
this is on our list of places to go! beautiful pics!
Lovely series of shots, Linda. I like visiting historic homes like this one.
Looks like a fab place to visit. You found so many fences. I like that shot with the curve in the road. HOpe things are going well.
Great pics Linda...I would love to visit this place. BTW I have no clue why that error message is showing up. I found out about it from several folks who tried to link up for FF. As far as I know...I have no viruses and my security program scans on a regular basis.
Oh, can you imagine living there about 250 years ago? Beautiful.
Now you given me a tip with the awesome fence photos. Why don't I try to make an interesting fence ?
Wonderful variety of old fencing and such great vistas. Haven't visited here but have toured Mt. Vernon. Some fences were for utility, like your favorite, and some for beauty and to complement the home.
Beautiful viuews of the house and grounds. I haven't been to Montpelier, and that's a shame. I should have! Maybe we will get back one day. The variety of fences were great for this post!
cyber virus are not nice, my Facebook was hacked and over 175 strangers complained about me.
Beautiful fences. Looks like the kind of place I enjoy visiting. Maybe someday.
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