Monday, October 15, 2012

Colonial Beach Mural

We took a quick trip to Colonial Beach, VA this past weekend - great looking little beach town on the Potomac River, on the Northern Neck of Virginia. Of course, in October, most beach towns in this area are pretty quiet, and Colonial Beach was no exception. We did enjoy driving through the town, noticing the use of golf carts everywhere, even at the Police Station!

This mural was a community effort, initiated by the Town, and executed by members of the Colonial Beach Artist Guild with assistance from local volunteers.
The overview
Right Side
Left Side
The design was provided by Robin Schick and is based on Seurat's "Sunday in the Park".  There were modifications suggested by other members and the project was managed by Robin and Doris Barbee.  It was completed within a month.

This photo shows the mural as you face the river.
This last mural is a small painting just to the right of the larger mural - another lovely scene.  I loved the use of the painted frame around it.

Linking to Monday Murals.


Andy said...

The two murals show us how dress code has changed.

Gerald (SK14) said...

O how gorgeous

biebkriebels said...

They both are very pretty murals. I like the images very much.

Red said...

Took a long look at these! There's so many activities going on at one time and yet it's not a busy scene.

Jan n Jer said...

Very nice...I like the last one too...adding a frame really adds to the charm of it.

Anonymous said...

Those are nice. I like that style of art.

TexWisGirl said...

both are really nice. i like all the activity in the first one.

VioletSky said...

there is a lot of activity on that beach!

Anonymous said...

Linda this is one of my favorite murals! Love the colors and the style. Enjoy your Monday!

Brian King said...

Very festive mural! You sure find a lot of these.

RedPat said...

I really like these!

Jenn Jilks said...

I really is wonderful!
Cheers from Cottage Country!

eileeninmd said...

Linda, looks like a nice trip and getaway. The murals are beautiful. Have a lovely evening!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Awesome murals!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Must have been satisfying to be part of the town's project. A fun riff on Seurat. The last full photo of the mural really shows how big it is. Thanks for contributing to Monday Mural.

kayerj said...

Once again, I have to say those murals are amazing.

Unknown said...

What a lovely find!

BlueShell said...

What a great piece of art! And your photos are expressive; thank You! xoxo

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Very nice murals- great captures!

Linda said...

Neat murals! Thanks for sharing them.

Pride In Photos Beauty said...

Love your mural art you are showing...lovely!!! I read your post...I NEED A BREAK...I so understand. I am working full time and doing a blog full time basically and girl it is alot of work.All of us need to take breaks now and then. Looking forward to seeing some of your travel pics when you are up to it.

Hootin Anni said...

{{{Linda}}} You have been in my thoughts with this upcoming "Perfect Storm" of 2012 ---wondering if you were in the area. Glad to know that you're back home, safe and sound. Rest up!!!!

Faye said...

When I first looked at this mural thought Caribbean but closer inspection could see the "French." What a lovely community project. And aren't you glad that you chose to get out and enjoy fall this past week with Sandy's arrival.

Will be thinking of all east coast friends and wishing everyone a safe trip through the storm with no damage to personal property or personal injury. Hope you have everything you need to batten down the hatches.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Hi Linda, how are you. Hope you and Dan are having a great time on your travels. This is a very lovely mural you show us here, looks very English.

momto8 said...

I hope these beauties survive Sandy!

Carletta said...

I love Seurat's "Sunday In the Park" and this is a lovely interpretation.

Came by to check on you. I hope you faired well with the storm. My daughter and family did well. She had flooding in her neighborhood but not right near her thankfully. I've been watching the Wavy TV site for news. Take care and stay safe.

EG CameraGirl said...

Love the first mural - there;s so much to see!

Kathy said...

I immediately thought of this famous painting. But of course I erroneously thought of Manet rather than Seurat and I could only think of part of the French title. It's been a long time since art history classes. Probably the biggest giveaway was the lady with the umbrella, although in this new modern version she is wearing fewer clothes than in Seurat's masterpiece.

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Linda,
You always find amazing murals. I really never see any. Must not be hanging out at the right places. lol! Thinking about you. Hope all is well!

Connie Arnold said...

How unique and enjoyable! Thanks for sharing your scenic finds, Linda.