Friday, October 5, 2012

I Need a Break!

After struggling for several weeks to keep up with my blogging, posting, following and commenting, I am feeling totally overwhelmed!  Dan and I are getting ready to enter a busy travel time - planning to be gone most of October and November, going to some places that are familiar to us - like Charleston, SC for our anniversary in November, and Florida to visit Mom;  others that are familiar to me but not to Dan - like Newbern, NC.  Then there are places that neither of us have ever been - Cape Cod, MA; Colonial Beach, VA.  With the health difficulties of this past year, we are both really looking forward to the trips.

SO...I will post when I can and when I have something worth posting.  I will still host Wordless Wednesday Again and I still will read and comment as I am able, but I have decided that I am not going to put so much stress on myself to post daily like I have been. I know I am not alone in this dilemna. Blogging has been fun - and I want it to continue to be fun!

For me, this says it all...
I am heading out to leave a trail....


Hootin Anni said...

I know I won't post as often as usual either. About mid-October thru January is always a busy time for us around here. The cooler temperatures makes us wanna go on day trips and then get everything back to 'normal' after such a long hot summer. Of course, you two have been through the 'grinder' so to speak, and taking time off...if not to travel then, just to relax and enjoy the time together with the quiet times.

Just don't forget about us.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

have fun. enjoy your days. keep in touch. all the best to you on your travels. glad to hear you are going to still do WW ... i have several great ones to share. big hugs. (:

Simon said...

Blogs ARE supposed to be fun, and when they become a chore it is time to step away from the keyboard. Best thing about a doesn't go bad or spoil. It sits and waits for you to be ready. Of necessity I've been going light on blogging lately. I do miss it, but also realize it can be addicting in unhealthy ways. I do miss my blogging friends though, and feel badly to lose touch.
I hope you have a wonderful trip with great weather.

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Enjoy your travels, relax, and have fun. We will miss you, but will be happy to see a post now and then of your travels.
Save travels!

Anonymous said...

During the eight years I have been blogging...I have taken many of these breaks....have fun and enjoy!!!!

TexWisGirl said...

good for you, linda. no stress on yourself necessary!

Anonymous said...

It seems a common need, the want for a break from blogging. Who would have thought in the beginning, but I too have been there. Enjoy your travels, relax and have fun, and keep an eye out for the weird and unusual. They make for great posts when you come home.

Carletta said...

None of us should kid ourselves - blogging is work!!
Honestly I sometimes feel I only sit in front of my computer. Actually as I sit here typing this I've been on here an hour and a half reading and answering my comments and trying to decide what I'll post next, etc,etc...
I know where you're coming from.
In truth, LIFE should take precedence for all of us.
So head out with Dan Linda and leave a trail of happy times spent and new memories made.
Now don't get me wrong, I'll miss you. This isn't goodbye I'm sure. Just a see ya later!

Betty Manousos said...

good for you, linda, wish you safe travels!!
have a great time, enjoy and relax.

we will be here when you get back.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Go have fun Linda, you deserve it it's been quite a year for you and Dan, I'll miss you but will look forward to catching up now and then, take care and above all stay safe.

Red said...

It is important to keep blogging to a level where it is fun. I have seen many excellent bloggers throw in the towel .
Happy travels.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wishing you safe travels and loads of fun! Take lots of photos to show us when you get back. Don't worry about blogging/commenting, etc. We'll be here when you have time.

Faye said...

Blogging is just like writing even though many of us do more photos than writing. Sometimes you just need to lie "fallow" until you have something that you're just really excited to share.

Enjoy your travels and we'll see you further on down the trail.

EG CameraGirl said...

Super quote, Linda. Enjoy your travels!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time traveling! We just got back from a few days out of town and I found myself stressing over "getting caught up". This was/is a good post Linda. I think we need to be there for the people that are right there in our lives. Blogging friends are great but we have to be present in our real lives. Hard one, I know. I struggle with it all the time and I don't post frequently!

Ms. Becky said...

what an excellent quote, thanks for sharing that. I so know what you mean about posting/blogging. It became overwhelming for me last winter and I cut way back. I don't miss it either, as I was spending way way too much time on the computer and not living my life. But I do still enjoy posting now and then. what Susan wrote is true - out blogs wait for us and they don't spoil! very well put. I hope you guys have the time of your life in these travels. it's an excellent time of year to be exploring. happy anniversary to you and Dan, and wishing you many more. take good care now, and be safe.

Kathy said...

Oh, how I'd love to go on a long trip like that. I'll just have to live through you vicariously so keep the pics a comin'.

Jan n Jer said...

Live your Life n enjoy...your trips sound so wonderful...I know you will take lots of photos. When you come back you will be renewed n anxious to blog again. We all need to take a break from blogging every now n can be very time comsuming. I am about ready to redo my whole blog format, and only blog maybe 3 times a week. We will be here when you get back Linda. Happy Anniversary to you n Dan..Jer n I celebrate our 23rd anniversary Oct 21

Anonymous said...

Hi dear :) thank you for commenting Nancy's post on my blog 'wonderland'. I'm your new follower :) xxo

momto8 said...

good for you..enjoy your time together.
I do know what you mean...sometimes i feel overwhelmed with blogging, but then I just stop, and it is all still there when I start again.
have fun!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee...
«Louis» understands your need to take a break!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Enjoy your travels- I always love to visit new places!

gtyyup said...

Yes, I know exactly how you feel.

Enjoy your time away...take in the beauty of America!!!

It's not what I want to do...but commenting on every blog just isn't feasible...we just do the best we can with the time we have.

Jenn Jilks said...

Good move!
I've been terribly sick and found blogging to be such a joy!
We all have our choices and must look after ourselves!
I'd rather be busy, but there you go!
Cheers from Cottage Country!

kayerj said...

enjoy your break. sometimes I get feeling the need to break away from it too and come back with a fresh outlook.

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

Hoping you're enjoying your new trail... missing you!