Monday, October 1, 2012

Tuesday's Barns

On Sunday, we took a side road trip to what was billed as a "Wildlife Management Area".  I guess I really didn't know what that meant!  There was nothing but miles and miles of dirt road through a wooded/scrub area and very little wildlife to be seen.  I did see hunters though, which leads me to believe Dan was right when he said that this was an area designated for hunting by lottery...oh and learn.

I did get a few shots of barns, so the side trip was not a total loss!
 I really liked this barn - particularly from this view.
 From this side, there were too many "things" in the way, and it was on the wrong side of the road, so Dan took the photo, trying to keep the 4-wheeler and the truck out of the photo.
This one was home to a horse, who was in the field with his blanket on, but would not turn his head so we could get a shot of anything other than his we opted not to photograph him!

Linking to Barn Charm.


Dianna said...

The white one is beautiful - I like the little bicycle in the picture!

TexWisGirl said...

i like them both! the white one is gorgeous. the little horse one is more my size. :)

Brian King said...

Great looking barn! I like the shot from across the field with all the fencing and the trees in the background. We have WMA's here in Kentucky and they're public lands used for everything from hunting to horseback riding. Having "wildlife" in the name is a bit misleading because everything is left to roam freely. There's no guarantee you'll see anything at all. The land itself is managed and maintained specifically for wildlife.

Red said...

The white barn is a pretty fancy building. Notice the entrance on the right.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i really like the white one. such a beauty. looks like a fun get away for the weekend. (:

Lois Evensen said...

Beautiful barn images. I like the child's bike in the second one. :) The place looks "lived in."

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

No trip is ever a loss if you find a barn or two to photograph. I love the first photo of the big white barn! Really pretty.

Anonymous said...

Do you know what the significance of the star is in that last photo? Traveling around the midwest I saw many homes with this star on it and a lot of barns with a quilt-like design on the side or gable. I asked a couple of times and never got a decent answer to either. Most just didn't know themselves, and they live there!

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Linda, I was just thinking that the first barn looked like an equestrian barn. Just something about it. Glad your trip was not a total waste. Just getting out for a ride sounds fun.

Carletta said...

Love the first shot of the setting!
You never know what you'll find down a road and while I've found it isn't always what I'd hoped I find something that makes it worthwhile.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

a white barn, looks like a church.

Nell at njschout said...

Very attractive, well kept barns.

Nancy said...

Great looking barns Linda.

eileeninmd said...

They are both gorgeous barns, Linda! You got some great shots. Have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

I like both barns and love the girlie bike in the shot of the white barn. That white barn is very charming.. :) It looks dry there!

Jori said...

What a pretty barn! I love the sliding doors on the loft.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Goodness this was quite a fab find Linda, you must have been so pleased to come across this sight, laughed at your description of the 'snooty' horse haha!

Anonymous said...

Very nice barns, indeed! I'm lovin those sliding barn doors in the 2nd pic, on the top & the bottom! =)

Thanks for joining, Linda =)

Jan n Jer said...

Nice barns...a hunting lottery sounds like a great idea to me..makes it a little safer out there in the wilderness.

Faye said...

Brian has the right interpretation of wildlife management--especially in KY. More for benefit of hunters and their revenue potential than wildlife protection. But I may be getting too political for blogs. Am just remembering our sandhill crane debacle last year.

Anyhoo! You found some real barn treasures. Loved that you "punished" the non-cooperating horse by not taking his photo.

Unknown said...

Sounds like any wildlife was hiding with very good reason. Your barn shots are beautiful and well worth a side trip. I hope you are having a great week.

Priscilla said...

Wow your posts are so amazing and this one really inspires me!

Blow A Rainbow
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I'll wait you there dear.Have a Nice Day!

Rose said...

Both are beautiful, well kept barns!

Hootin Anni said...

Rarely barns in white....I like it!! Reminds me of the Kentucky Derby...don't know why, but that was the first thought.

If it's hunting season, that is the reason you saw no wildlife...right?

Also, Linda....LOVED your mural of Annie Hill. Very interesting history.

Mari said...

Nice barns! I especially liked the first one. The cupolas are beautiful!

BlueShell said...

Love those ...

EG CameraGirl said...

Immaculate white barn! I don't see many white barns here in Ontario.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I like both - very cool barns!