Monday, October 1, 2012

Monday Mural

The mural this week was completed in 2008 and honors Annie Hill, Nurse Mid-Wife for 59 years in Lake Placid, FL.
 She was born in 1891 and died in 1988, at the age of 92.  She worked with the State Board of Health from 1918 until 1976 in the field of Mid-Wifery.  She delivered 1,500 babies during that time, and only resigned her position because of changes in the law.   In addition, she was a strong Christian, a faithful member of Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, where she served in many different leadership positions.  She also served in the Masonic Family.
Annie married Deacon James Hill and they had 6 children - 2 sons and 4 daughters.

The mural is 40' wide and 10' high and is located on the side of Dr. Schechtman's office.  In this mural are hidden a "binki", a stethoscope and a wrench.

Linking to Monday Murals.


Andy said...

It sounds like Annie had a very busy life and still managed to live to a old age..

eileeninmd said...

Linda, what a great mural. Annie did have a busy life, one I am sure she was proud of. Have a great day!

biebkriebels said...

What a nice tribute to Annie, so beautiful painted.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

so neat. what a great way to honor her. cool!! (:

Jan n Jer said...

What a wonderful woman she was...great tribute!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful way to honor a skilled, good and compassionate woman! I love those murals with the hidden things in them! How thoughtful for the mural to be on a Dr.'s office.

momto8 said...

LOVE this mural! and the meaning behind it...
oh my gosh, I have my family looking at barns, and skys and murals?!

Brian King said...

That's a big mural! Nicely done, too! You must have a lot of them around your area.

EG CameraGirl said...

What a great tribute to this remarkable woman.

Anonymous said...

What a great mural and great tribute.

Carletta said...

Delivering babies for 49 years. Bringing new life into the world - a nice way to spend a life!

TexWisGirl said...

what a great tribute to a wonderful woman!

Lois Evensen said...

What a beautiful tribute.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I did pull the image in and try to find the hidden objects Linda, no luck and I'm not really sure what a 'binki' is. I love the expression on the little boy to the left, my son always used to put his hands up like that when he was excited about something.

Anonymous said...

1500 babies! I cannot imagine. Wow, what a woman.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

The mural is a fabulous tribute to this wonderful woman! Beautiful!

RedPat said...

That's a wonderful thing they have done to give a mural as a tribute to her!

hamilton said...

I bet this remarkable woman saw far too many changes in her life, but she probably coped rather well with them.

Louis la Vache said...

What a fine mural - and tribute to her (echoing all the other commenters!)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

What a great mural and wonderful tribute to this woman who contributed so much to her community.

Red said...

I really like murals but I'll never find the hidden objects. The mural is an excellent way to honor someone who has given so much.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I love it when communities celebrate local heroes. Annie Hill deserves this accolade and more. Imagine the many other lives she touched helping to bring those 1500 babies into this world. Thank you for contributing to Monday Mural.

kayerj said...

thanks for the background on the mural. amazing artwork.

Connie said...

Hi Linda, these barns are marvelous and the murals . . . well I love murals, especially when they contain history.
Yes I did use transfers to create my do not disturb door knob signs. This is a very easy project.
Have fun! Connie :)

Jenn Jilks said...

What a wonderful honour!