This baby bunny - small enough to fit in the palm of my hand - was munching on some leaves just outside our RV last week. I managed to get quite close, as you can see by the photos. Once I got really close, he stopped chewing and appeared to be frozen. I didn't torment the wee little thing too long before I turned my back so he could run away. And, run away he did - super-fast - just like a ...well, just like a rabbit!
Well, you won't be able to see me if I hold really still and don't even breathe!
I was using my new 150-500mm lens, so I was 7.5' away from him at this point. Pretty neat, huh? You can see my reflection in his frightened eye!
Linking to
Camera Critters.
What a cutie, love seeing the bunnies. Great captures and critter.
Gorgeous pictures, Linda! Those baby bunnies are SO sweet. Great shots!
So cute...we have lots of them running around here...they are fun to watch! Nice pics Linda...congrats on your new Lens...keep on snapping!
they're so stinkin' adorable! :)
Awwwwwwwwwwww, so very sweet. We saw a grown up one just the other day...a cottontail. I love bunnies.
ps....congrats on the #200th post!!! You're a treasure to blogland dear Linda.
Awesome shots. Very cute baby bunny!
Good eye to see your reflection in his eye! These little guys are amazing creatures in how independent they can be.
We have some running around our neighborhood. Beautiful shots.
Our Dog BOLT, please come and see. Your comment will mean a lot!
Isn't he the cutest?
We have rabbits on our property for the first time this year, two different varieties. Thankfully our veggie garden is already caged in due to the deer problem. We're becoming quite the wildlife preserve. lol
I'm glad you enjoyed my cat and mouse story. Pan surveyed the fireplace a couple of times yesterday, and sat there for a while 'watching' last night, but I think he was just making sure that everything was as it should be. No more problems (we left the trap up last night just in case). I can't imagine rats. Omg....I'm glad that was taken care of. How awful! Some day I'll have to tell about the ants that invaded our first home when our neighbor set fire to a rotted tree stump right next to our house.
My largest lens is 80/300 and it certainly isn't enough most of the time. Enjoy your new one!
We have rabbits like this around our house, too, but it's been a long time since I've seen a baby. Glad you gave him a chance to run off, quick like a bunny!
Ooooooo, I have 500 mm envy ;) You got some beautiful pictures with your new camera, such a pretty little bunny.
So cute. You got some great shots with your new lens. What kind of camera do you have?
Aww very cute! Can't resist those baby birds, bunnies and squirrels! He has a bright little eye and you got it focused sharp. Cool!
What a little cutie Linda, they really do have the sweetest little faces. Now that's what I call a decent lens, you'll be able to zoom in on all sorts of unsuspecting subjects haha! and btw, HUGE congrats on your 200th post, it's a bit a of milestone yeh! Looking forward to many more.
Baby bunnies are so adorable - this one looks like he's enjoying his munching and since he sat quite still for your photograph purposes, I think he enjoyed being your "subject matter" !!
Pam (and Sam)
Very cute, Linda.
Great captures of this cute bunny!
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