Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Down in the Boondocks

"Down in the boondocks
Down in the boondocks

People put me down 'cause
That's the side of town I was born in
I love her she loves me but I don't fit in her society
Lord have mercy on the boy from down in the boondocks

Ev'ry night I watch the lights from the house up on the hill
I love a little girl who lives up there and I guess I always will
But I don't dare knock on her door
'Cause her daddy is my boss man
So I have to try to be content
Just to see her when ever I can

One fine day I'll find the way to move from this old shack
I'll hold my head up like a king and I never never will look back
Until that morning I'll work and slave
And I'll save ev'ry dime
But tonight she'll have to steal away
To see me one more time."

Listen to Billy Joe Royal singing Down in the Boondocks here.

Thanks to Anni for the inspiration for this week...linking to her Thursday Theme Song.


Elizabeth Edwards said...

what a great post. you pick the greatest tunes & pics to go with them. love this!! i'm dancing now. singing too!! (:

TexWisGirl said...

i remember listening to this one. :) great photos to go with it.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I know that song! I'd love to see inside those houses. Well, maybe not the old ones! Wonderful photos!

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

I remember that song and now it will be going through my head all night. Great pictures to go with it!

Red said...

Your photos really go along with the song . Awesome! Plus it's a song that I rally liked.

Anonymous said...

I listened to the 50's channel on Sirius Radio for quite a few states on that road trip. How many times did I hear that song? Don't ask.

SquirrelQueen said...

I haven't heard that song in years. Your photos are perfect for the lyrics. The old house is definitely a contrast to the mansion. I love the fountain.

eileeninmd said...

Fun song and loved the photos. Just perfect. Have a lovely day, Linda!

Maria Emilia Moreira said...

Lindas fotos acompanhadas de uma bela música são dois elementos fantásticos!
M. Emília

Anonymous said...

That used to be one of my favorite songs. Love the photos that you chose to go with the song!

Hootin Anni said...

You DID get it going with the 'boondock' reference. Girl? You are the one that is inspirational!!!! This is just awesome. And another thing, one of my FAVORITE songs!!

Y'know....I could sit and watch THAT house up on the hill too. Wow.

Anonymous said...

I'm smiling here Linda. Those are some great pictures and I love the tune! Perfect!

Jan n Jer said...

Always loved this song. Great pics Linda

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Am definitely going to have this on my mind now, good thing I like it Linda haha!

Bengts fotoblogg said...

Great post, lovely old house.

Lighthousegal said...

Who wouldn't want to sit and watch that house. It is beautiful and I am sure full of beautiful things.
Great post, as always! The pictures are perfect for the song.

Carletta said...

I truly believe you are the queen of Thursday Theme Song! :)
I loved this song as a young girl. So happens I lived on a hill just not in a house like this! LOL!
Love the simplicity of these few you used to get the whole presence of the song story told - well done!

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Lovely post, Linda! Good choice of song.

Jenn Jilks said...

Lots of fun!!!! Well done.
Cheers from Cottage Country!