Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday's Mural

This Lake Placid mural shows what old rural Florida looked like.  There is a huge live oak with moss, and the old, falling down fence in the back, with cattle grazing in open pasture land.  I know these details are hard to see from a photograph.
The mural is 42' wide by7'8" high, and was painted by Thomas Brooks in 1996.  Brooks won the turkey stamp competition for Florida two years in a row.  There are plenty of turkeys in the area with the Osceola species native to Florida. They have keen eyesight and acute hearing and are easily spooked.  Hunters get up before dawn, put on their camouflage clothing and conceal themselves in their hideaways.  If you look closely, you may find the sleeping hunter...we know he is sleeping, or the turkeys would be long gone!
Linking to Monday's Mural.


Elizabeth Edwards said...

i really look forward to see what mural you will share each monday. i need to get mine out of my collection. get with it. this one is so great for the fall season. (:

Anonymous said...

I see a fence in the background, an owl and an armadillo and lots of turkeys, one with a beard but I don't see the dang hunter! Where the heck is he? I can see why Mr. Brooks won the award for the turkey stamp twice!

Hootin Anni said...

The Spanish moss, the wild serene and tranquil looking today!!!

4 Lettre Words said...

Oh, yes...the spanish moss. Really lovely!

Latane Barton said...

That must really be something to see in person, Linda. Such a great depiction of the area.

Anonymous said...

I love this mural. I was just telling my husband this weekend that I am so thankful that we live on the west coast of Florida where much of the 'old' Florida is thriving ;)

TexWisGirl said...

i like the barred owl perched in the oak tree, too. :)

Grandma Barb's This and That said...

Love the spanish moss and turkey!

Anonymous said...

That is one masterpiece of a mural. Yes, it is nice to have a folder full of photos for Carolyn's meme. I felt bad not be able to participate for several months.

kayerj said...

I am amazed each week over these murals.

Andy said...

The sleeping hunter is in about middle sitting on the ground with back leaning on a tree. His head looks like a skeleton. The turkeys reminded me that the Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up on October 8.

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely mural but Florida sure does look a lot different now!

RedPat said...

It looks like a primeval forest!

Red said...

A great story told in picture form.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh it's amazing Linda, I can see how this artist won the prize twice. There's a lot of atmosphere here.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Great mural shots, Linda. That turkey is magnificent!