...could a woodchuck chuck...? Arriving at our condo in Pigeon Forge, TN, I opened the back patio curtain and surprised this fella. He didn't stick around long...and we never saw him again. (This sighting also prompted the question - what is the difference between a woodchuck and a groundhog? DH said this was a groundhog, I said woodchuck. Turns out, there is no difference!)
And away he goes... |
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Camera Critters.
Great pictures, Linda! I didn't know if there was a difference in woodchucks and groundhogs or not...
We see alot of these critters here...what a nuisance they are!!!
Well I was going to say if you saw him when you opened the curtains the next morning it would be just like 'groundhog' day!
btw I think you would be fantastic at people shots, you should give it a go..long lenses come in handy haha!
and another label - whistlepig. :)
One person's woodchuck is another's groundhog ;-)
He want to give you privacy.
Visiting from Camera Critters.
Pets & Critters Nook
Wow, he is a fat one. I call them groundhogs. Great shots, Linda!
Love it when a great photo hops into my life. Glad you were quick on the clicker with this one.
In my neck of the woods they are also known as whistle pigs. :)
We had one living under our garden shed last summer. He went to hibernate last fall and never came back.
You're lucky to see this guy. they are usually pretty secretive. I've only seen one in all my life and that was for about 5 seconds. I'll never forget it.
Good shots!
Hopping by from Camera Critters.
Flowers and Butterfly
I remember the first time I saw one I was amazed at how big those critters are. Great photos!
He's cute. Are they related to beavers?
They're very common around here. And the name just depends on where you're from.
I like Tex's label! Whistlepig!! We had one try to set up home under our porch. He took a ride to somebody else's part of the country... :) And he let us know he didn't like his ride for relocation!
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