Monday, March 12, 2012

Are You Seeing Spots?

Another Monday, another mural or two.

This mural, 12' wide by 7' high, adorns the front of the Lake Placid Journal Building.

The Lake Placid Journal has been the hometown newspaper for over 50 years.  These puppies are tearing the first paper published and if you stand in front of the mural, you can read the first 2 pages.  In this mural the puppies have chewed up a gardening trowel next to a pot of caladiums (95% of the world's caladiums come from Lake Placid, FL), and are climbing on a crate of citrus, another important crop.

Tea at Southwinds was the first mural, dedicated in 1993.  It is 60' wide and 30' high.

Southwinds was owned by Dr. Melvil Dewey (you may remember him from last week's post).  During his lifetime it was known as Litl Loj.  After his death it was renamed Southwinds.  It was the place where the celebrities of the day, famous physicians and businessmen, stars of stage and screen and fashionable ladies and sophisticated men came to sip cocktails and discuss Broadway tunes.  The patio, represented here, was constructed of handmade Italian tiles and had a view of Lake Placid.

Walking the streets of Lake Placid is a wonderful tour of the history of the area.  Hopefully, you are getting a flavor of the rich past through my photos.   There are more to come...stay tuned!

Linking to Monday Murals.


eileeninmd said...

Wonderful murals, I love the puppies. I hope you have a great week ahead.

Gerald (SK14) said...

love the dalmations!

biebkriebels said...

What a lovely murals, the dogs great.

Pix at Under the Oaks said...

The Dalmation puppy spotted Mural is fun! Fun colors with those black and white spots! Good Morning Linda!

momto8 said...

fun too look at...the dalmations are my favorite.
happy week!

Jenn Jilks said...

Beautiful, as ever! I love them. What a treat to share one's skill on a wall with others!
Greetings from Cottage Country!

TexWisGirl said...

i love that first one - how they memorialized the very first issue of the paper...

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Tea at Southwinds sounds very civilized Linda, it's a beautifully elegant mural and the top mural is great fun!

Jan n Jer said...

I am loving the murals...the art work is just amazing! Like you new header too!

Anonymous said...

Murals most always impress me as to detail and artistic quality and yours here for sure fall into that catagory. Very nice.

VioletSky said...

The first one is a lot of fun. I hope the news for their first day of publication was memorable and not something boring!

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

i wouldn't mind sipping tea on that patio! and lakeside?! wonderful...
thanks, Linda, for the FHC visit and follow!

My name is Riet said...

HOw bautiful they are. I love the bottom one best, love the plants

Nellies said...

I like the mural with the doggies the most, what a funny one! Thanks for sharing them.

RedPat said...

I love the intense colours of the first one!

Hootin Anni said...

Love the spots mural...but I must tellya, I think that "Tea at Southwinds" is the best yet you've shared. And thanks to you and Mother Hen, I now know the name of that yellow flower.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Thank you for your kind comment on my blog, Linda.
These are lovely photos of two very special murals. I really like the first one, especially, it is quite clever the way the artist has made it very apt for the place it adorns.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

The dalmatian mural is so cool. But why dalmatians and not, say, cocker spaniels? Do they have a Florida connection too? You weren't kidding about the land of murals. Thanks for participating in this week's Monday Mural.

Julie said...

Many an artist would give their right arm for a canvas the size of these you have contributed today, Linda. And the lucky 'muralists' have come up with the goods. Each is so wonderful, and together so different.

I would love to be able to hide in the bushes on the patio and listen in with my camera. Of course ...

Dianna said...

Sorry I missed this yesterday. I'm enjoying your mural posts.
By the way, we're going to have a mural in Smithfield! They've started work on it. It will be on the exterior wall of the old Simpson's Pharmacy building. When it's finished, you'll have to come take pictures!

Simon said...

Love that first spotted Dalmation mural. Such fun.