Monday, March 19, 2012

Hometown Murals

For today's murals, I am returning to my own town - or at least my own area!  We have several murals in the area - several cities so close together and inter-woven that you often don't realize you are passing from one to the other!  This first one was completed in 1993 by Wyland - an artist who reached his goal of painting 100 murals depicting marine life in 2008.  This one depicts Humpbacks off the Virginia Coast.

This mural is 280' long by 80' high and was dedicated to Jacques Cousteau.

This one represents a carrier group, and is 1 of three painted by a local artist.  This is on the side of the Flagship Hotel.  The carrier group depicted consists of the USS Enterprise (which just sailed for her final deployment after 50 years in service), USS Leyte Gulf, USS Ticonderoga and the USS Cole, as well as several of the F-14 squadrons.

There are more to come, so please come back next Monday for another installment and be sure to check out Monday Murals to see murals from around the world!


VioletSky said...

The whales are magnificent.
I imagine he has had to scout out very large buildings with enough blank wall space to make these larger than life murals.

Andy said...

Dedicating the painting to Jacques Cousteau is a good choice. Throughout history USS Enterprise has been the choice of name for a number of ships. I'm sure the tradition will continue.

Dianna said...

Good morning, Linda. I think I've seen the mural of the Humpbacks, but I hadn't seen the other one. Thanks for sharing!
(You're right about all the cities blending together.)

Pix at Under the Oaks said...

Good Morning Linda! I love Wyland's work and the whales are so cool as a mural. Nice that the hotel has the mural on it. I am impressed at the murals you have found!

Jan n Jer said...

Wow...these are stunning! I would love to see them in person.

TexWisGirl said...

we have one of the whale murals in Dallas, too. very cool.

Carletta said...

Oh, this makes me smile!
Were you there when Wyland was painting the whales? I can remember the scaffolding and the partial painting. Brings back so many memories. :)

Anonymous said...

these are wonderful, so peaceful to look at.

Anonymous said...

That is impressive. All I can think of is that is a lot of blue paint.

RedPat said...

These are fabulous! Especially the whales.

Hootin Anni said...

Wow....not only do I LOVE whales [and all sea life], but I feel the 'need for speed'...those jets?--awesome. And Bud, being Navy...what can I say about the USS Enterprise?

eileeninmd said...

HI Linda, I love whales so the whale murals are my favorite. Cool looking murals. Have a great evening!

Nellies said...

These murals are stunning. The colors are beautiful!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Gosh I agree with everything said above Linda, these murals are unbelievable! I love the whales, it must be the most amazing experience to stand and look at these, are the whales life sized?

Spare Parts and Pics said...

I've seen Wyland whale murals at various locations... there's a beauty in downtown Waikiki.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

The whale mural is quite impressive. By it's size I'm guessing the whale is painted life size. Impressive goal the artist had and met. The man made behemoths are equally impressive. Thanks for participating in this week's Monday Mural.

Simon said...

You seem to have the best murals every week. these jumbo ones are really cool. I remember watching Jacques Costeau as a kid-Sunday nights.